Classical conditioning was the first type of learning to be discovered and
studied within the behaviorist tradition (hence the name classical). The major
theorist in the development of classical conditioning is Ivan Pavlov, a Russian
scientist trained in biology and medicine (as was his contemporary, Sigmund
Freud). Pavlov was studying the digestive system of dogs and became intrigued
with his observation that dogs deprived of food began to salivate when one of
his assistants walked into the room. He began to investigate this phenomenon
and established the laws of classical conditioning. Skinner renamed this type
of learning "respondent conditioning" since in this type of learning,
one is responding to an environmental antecedent.
Major concepts
Classical conditioning is Stimulus (S) elicits >Response (R) conditioning
since the antecedent stimulus (singular) causes (elicits) the reflexive or
involuntary response to occur. Classical conditioning starts with a reflex: an
innate, involuntary behavior elicited or caused by an antecedent environmental
event. For example, if air is blown into your eye, you blink. You have no
voluntary or conscious control over whether the blink occurs or not.
The specific model for classical conditioning is:
In classical conditioning no new behaviors are learned. Instead, an
association is developed (through pairing) between the NS and the US so that
the animal / person responds to both events / stimuli (plural) in the same way;
restated, after conditioning, both the US and the CS will elicit the same
involuntary response (the person / animal learns to respond reflexively to a
new stimulus).
The following is a restatement of these basic principles using figures of
Pavlov's original experiments as an example.
Before conditioning
In order to have classical or
respondent conditioning, there must exist a stimulus that will automatically or
reflexively elicit a specific response. This stimulus is called the Unconditioned
Stimulus or UCS because there is no learning involved in connecting the
stimulus and response. There must also be a stimulus that will not elicit this
specific response, but will elicit an orienting response. This stimulus is
called a Neutral Stimulus or an Orienting Stimulus.
During conditioning
During conditioning, the neutral
stimulus will first be presented, followed by the unconditioned stimulus. Over
time, the learner will develop an association between these two stimuli (i.e.,
will learn to make a connection between the two stimuli.)
After conditioning
After conditioning, the
previously neutral or orienting stimulus will elicit the response previously
only elicited by the unconditioned stimulus. The stimulus is now called a conditioned
stimulus because it will now elicit a different response as a result of
conditioning or learning. The response is now called a conditioned response
because it is elicited by a stimulus as a result of learning. The two
responses, unconditioned and conditioned, look the same, but they are elicited
by different stimuli and are therefore given different labels.
In the area of classroom learning, classical conditioning primarily
influences emotional behavior. Things that make us happy, sad, angry, etc.
become associated with neutral stimuli that gain our attention. For example, if
a particular academic subject or remembering a particular teacher produces
emotional feelings in you, those emotions are probably a result of classical